Primary Coordinator’s Message

Dearest Parents and Guardians,

I cannot believe that we have reached the end of another academic year. What a year it has been! I would like to thank each and every one of you for an excellent year we have had. You have been so supportive throughout your child’s academic life.

Athletics Carnival

This newsletter reports the success of our students who competed in our annual athletics carnival. Congratulations to all students who did extremely well within the broad competition. Well done to the teams and individuals who competed in the track and field events. Thank you to our athletics carnival event team Ms Medine Cilek, Ms Marziah Mahmood, Mr Faruqullah Bashir, Mr Erkan Kocdemir and Mr Shaun Bistricki for coordinating an excellent event.

Year 6 Graduates

What an emotional time this is for our Year 6 students, teachers and parents. Our Year 6 students have been excellent school leaders and we are going to miss them dearly. Our graduation night was filled with laughter and tears. I am very sad to see our Year 6 students leave, but at the same time I am very excited that they will start a new chapter in their secondary life. I wish you all the best and thank you for being part of an excellent team.

I hope that everyone who is part of our school community has an excellent holiday. Rest up and enjoy the sunshine. We look forward to another exciting year ahead. I look forward to meeting our new families who have enrolled their children to our campus for 2020 and catch up with our existing families as soon as we commence the new year.

Take care,
Ms Ozlem Coskun